Power Stone Company では、お客様のデータをどのように使用するかをお伝えし、お客様のデータが確実に収集され、安全に保管されることを約束します。 info@tomaxind.com 宛ての電子メールで、いつでも設定を更新および管理できます。
または +852 2793 9817 でお問い合わせください
Power Stone Company
Unit A, 2/F., Hung To Center,
94-96 How Ming Street.
Kwun Tong, Kowloon,
Hong Kong
注文を処理できるように、名前、メールアドレス、電話番号など、お客様に関するいくつかの情報を保持する必要があります。 また、提供するさまざまな製品の配送を手配できるように、信頼できるパートナーとデータを共有する必要があります。 ただし、お客様の情報は、当社が実施する厳格な手順の下で保護されていることを確信できます。
Power Stone Company から電子メール マーケティングを受信することを選択した場合は、最新の新製品だけでなく、ブランド全体の最新の特別オファーをお知らせすることができます。 当社からのマーケティングの受信を停止したい場合は、info@tomaxind.com にメールを送信し、件名を「登録解除」にしてください。 または、当社の電子メール通信のフッターにある「購読解除」ボタンを使用して購読を解除することもできます。
このプライバシーポリシーは、当社が収集する個人情報の種類、その取り扱い方法、共有先、提供したデータにアクセスして管理する方法を正確にお知らせするために作成しました。 我ら。 当社の Web サイト (「Web サイト」) のいずれかの部分にアクセスすることにより、参照により本書に組み込まれている、このプライバシー ポリシーおよび当社の Web サイトの利用規約に記載されているポリシーおよび慣行にも同意したことになります。
セキュリティ – 個人データの保護
当社は、お客様の個人データを不正または違法な処理、偶発的な損失または破壊、または損傷から保護するために、適切な技術的および組織的対策を講じることをお約束します。 これには、個人データへのアクセスの制限、正確性の維持、および個人データの保護に関するトレーニングが含まれます。 これらの安全対策は、個人情報の紛失、誤用、不正アクセス、開示、改ざん、および破壊から保護するように設計されていますが、これらを保証するものではありません。
当社の Web サイトからの情報は、暗号化 (https://) を使用してインターネット経由で安全に Web サーバーに送信され、個人情報とクレジット カードの詳細が保護されます。 あなたが提供する情報は、適切な技術的および組織的措置を講じて、当社の敷地内に安全に保管されます。
当社が収集する情報には以下が含まれます。 氏名、電子メールアドレス、住所、電話番号、請求先およびクレジットカード情報、衣類および靴のサイズ (注文時)。 この情報は、次の場合に収集されます。 当社のウェブサイトへの登録、注文、モバイル アプリケーションの使用、懸賞、コンテスト、プロモーション、調査への参加。 当社は、義務を履行するため、または法律を遵守するために必要な限り、この情報を保持します。
注文、問い合わせ、苦情、またはその配送やプロセスに関して、電子メール、電話、またはアプリの通知を通じて、お客様に連絡する必要がある場合があります。 この通信はマーケティング目的ではなく、マーケティング通信をオプトアウトした場合でも引き続き受信します。
お問い合わせの際、正確な回答をするために、メールアドレス、電話番号、その他の情報が必要になる場合があります。 この情報を、合法的または正当な目的で閲覧する目的がない者と共有することはありません。
あなたが好むかもしれない最新のオファーまたは新しいリリースについてあなたに通知するために、あなたがそれらを受け取ることに同意した場合、私たちはあなたにマーケティングコミュニケーションを送ることがあります. さらに、お客様の好みとビジネス パートナーから取得した情報を組み合わせて、よりパーソナライズされたマーケティング体験を提供する場合があります。 これらの設定は、info@tomaxind.com 宛てに電子メールで送信するか、+852 2793 9817 でいつでも修正できます。
お客様のショッピング体験をより効率的、便利、パーソナライズしたものにし、訪問者が当社の Web サイトをどのように使用しているかを分析するために、当社は Cookie、Web ビーコン、および追跡ソフトウェアを使用する場合があります。 お客様が当社の Web サイト、IP アドレス、ブラウザの種類、人口統計、興味、場所、およびアクセスしたページにアクセスすると、技術情報が自動的に収集されます。 この情報は、Web サイトのレイアウトを開発および設計するために使用され、訪問者のエクスペリエンスを向上させることができます。
Cookie は、ブラウザによってコンピュータのハード ドライブに保存される小さな情報です。 当社の Web サイトを閲覧するために Cookie は必要ありませんが、商品をショッピング カートに追加したり、注文したりするためには Cookie が必要です。 必要に応じて Cookie を削除できます。 特定の Cookie は、当社の Web サイトおよびモバイル アプリで表示およびナビゲートするために必要ですが、ほとんどの機能には Cookie がなくてもアクセスできます。
At Power Stone Company, we promise that we’ll tell you how we use your data and we’ll make sure that your data is collected and stored securely. You can update and manage your preferences at any time by email at info@tomaxind.com
or speak to us on +852 2793 9817
We are located at:
Power Stone CompanyUnit A, 2/F., Hung To Center,
94-96 How Ming Street.
Kwun Tong, Kowloon,
Hong Kong
We have to keep some information about you, such as name, email address, telephone number so we can process orders. We also have to share data with our trusted partners so we can arrange deliveries across the wide variety of products we offer. But you can be assured that your information is protected under strict procedures that we enforce.
If you choose to receive email marketing from Power Stone Company, we can let you know of the latest special offers across our brands as well as the latest new releases. If you would like to stop receiving marketing form us, email info@tomaxind.com with the subject “Unsubscribe”. Alternatively, you can unsubscribe using the “Unsubscribe” button at the footer of any of our email communications.
We have made this Privacy Policy available to you to let you know precisely what kind of personal information we collect, how it is handled, with whom it may be shared, and how you may access and remain in control of your data you have provided to us. By visiting any part of our website (the "Website"), you will also have consented to the policies and practices described in this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use of our Websites, which are incorporated herein by reference.
We are committed to taking appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized or unlawful processing, accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to your personal data. This includes restricting access to, maintaining accuracy of and training in the securing of personal data. These safeguards are designed to protect against, but are not a guarantee against, the loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction of personal information
Information from our web site is transmitted securely over the internet to our web server, using encryption (https://) to safeguard personal information and credit card details. The information that you provide is held securely in our premises with appropriate technical and organizational measures.
The information we may collect includes; name, email address, postal address, phone number, billing and credit card information, clothing and shoe size (when an order is placed). This information is collected when you; register on our website, place an order, use a mobile application or participate in sweepstakes, contests, promotions or surveys. We retain this information for as long as we need to in order to fulfil our obligations or to comply with the law.
We may need to contact you by email, phone or through a notification in an app in relation to an order, enquiries, complaints or regarding its delivery or process. This communication is not for marketing purposes and you will continue to receive them even if you opt-out of marketing communications.
If you make an enquiry we may need your email address, phone number and additional information in order to respond correctly. We do not share this information with anyone who does not have a lawful or legitimate purpose for seeing it.
To inform you about the latest offers or new releases that you may like, we may send you marketing communications, if you have consented to receive them. In addition, we may combine your preferences with information obtained from our business partners to provide you with a more personalized marketing experience. You can amend these preferences at any time by email at info@tomaxind.com or speak to us on +852 2793 9817.
To make your shopping experience more efficient, convenient and personalized and to analyze how visitors use our web site, we may use cookies, web beacons and tracking software. We automatically collect some technical information from you when you visit our web site, IP address, browser type, demographic, interests, location and pages you have visited. This information is used to help us develop and design the layout of the web site so we can enhance the visitor's experience.
Cookies are small pieces of information stored by your browser on your computer's hard drive. Cookies are not required for you to browse our web site, but they are required to add items to your shopping cart and for you to place an order. You can delete cookies if you wish; while certain cookies are necessary for viewing and navigating on our website and mobile app, most of the features will be still accessible without cookies.
The Help portion of the toolbar on most browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, or how to disable cookies altogether. However, cookies allow you to take full advantage of some of our Website's features, and we recommend that you leave them turned on. By using the site you consent to our use of cookies. To learn more about cookies and how to use them visit the Help section of your internet browser.
Your personal data may be shared with other affiliated companies that are subject to privacy policies with this policy. It may also be disclosed to a third party who acquires us, a member of our Group or acquires all or part of our assets.
We may disclose your personal data when this is required by law to which Power Stone Company may be subject as well as to enforce or apply our Terms of Use and other agreements, or to protect our rights, property, safety or other interests those of our parent company, affiliates and shareholders, or others. In addition, your information may be disclosed to our fraud screening partners to help prevent and detect fraudulent transactions.
We may also share some of your personal data with or obtain your personal data from third parties:
- Delivery – Couriers to deliver your order.
- Suppliers providing services to us to help run our business.
- Credit and debit card payment services.
- Our partners who offer related products, services, promotions and organize sweepstakes on our web site.
Our website may provide links to third party websites which are subject to separate Privacy Polices. Please be aware that this Privacy Policy does not apply to such websites and Power Stone Company is not responsible for your information that third parties may collect through these websites.
As an individual you have the following rights to your information:
- The right to be informed – Detailed within this privacy policy.
- The right of access – You can make a subject access request by contacting us.
- The right to rectification – Any errors can be corrected through the ‘My Profile’ on our web site or by contacting us.
- The right to erasure – You can request your personal data to be erased by contacting us.
- The right to object – You can object to direct marketing or the processing of your data by contacting us at any time.
To exercise any of these rights or to discuss in further detail please email us at info@tomaxind.com or speak to us on +852 2793 9817. You may be asked to provide proof of identity to comply.
Our Website is a general audience website and should be used only by persons over age 13. We are concerned about the safety of children when they use the Internet and will never knowingly request personal information from anyone under the age of 13. If the parent or guardian of a child under 13 believes that the child has provided us with any personal data, the parent or guardian of that child should contact our Customer Service Centre and ask to have this personal information deleted from our files. If we otherwise obtain knowledge that we have personal information about a child under 13 in our files, we will delete that personal information from our existing files so that it is not in retrievable form.
We reserve the right to change our Privacy Policy as our business changes. If our policy changes in the future, we will post an updated privacy policy on our Website. You can tell if this policy has changed by checking the revision date that appears at the end of this policy. If you would like a permanent record of this privacy policy please print a copy.
Remember – this is your data. We are responsible for looking after it ethically and securely and must only use it for the purpose for which it was provided to us. Help us to help you and contact us if you feel we have done anything wrong so that we may correct it.
Any queries or comments regarding the information set out in this policy please contact us at: powerstonehk@gmail.com
or call us at: +852 2793 9817